Do you realize that you have the capability to inspire a whole generation? There is a new group of young leaders coming up that are looking to us for direction, guidance, and encouragement. How do we impact them? How do we leave a legacy for them to build upon? How do we inspire them to be as engaged and even more powerful than us?
As a part of our Join Week 2018, YPN will host a discussion about what it means to lead a movement and how to make sure our efforts as community leaders continue to grow for years to come. We'll explore the best tactics to get (and keep) youth engaged and inspire them to be leaders in their community.
This panel discussion will take place on January 27th from 1:00 - 3:30 PM at the Northern Virginia Urban League Headquarters located at 1315 Duke St, Alexandria, VA. Hope to see you there!
This event is one of the many events Northern Virginia Urban League Young Professionals Network (NVULYPN) will host during Join Week. Join us January 22nd - 29th for a week full of activities. Visit our Website or Facebook page to learn more about our upcoming events. The theme of NVULYPN Join Week 2018 is "Empowered to Lead." Leadership is a key component of NVULYPN. Our chapter has a long tradition of developing leaders in our communities and in the business world. Join us!
The Purpose of #JoinWeek
The Northern Virginia Urban League Young Professionals Network recognizes the importance of empowering and engaging young professionals within the area. Join us as we spread the word about the mission and history of our organization.
Northern Virginia Urban League
Northern Virginia Urban League Guild
Northern Virginia Urban League Young Professionals Network
Northern Virginia Urban League is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization. 1315 Duke Street, Alexandria VA 22314