Professional Speaker Series presents...
Paul Brunson UNCUT! The long-awaited no-holds-barred conversation on Business, Love, and Life!
--Space is Limited--
Join us for this ADULTS ONLY interactive fire-side chat with author, television host, leader, father, mentor, and award-winning matchmaker, Paul Carrick Brunson. Come hear first-hard what it takes to create multiple streams of million-dollar income, establish and cultivate love and health relationships and also maintain success in your work/life balance.
This session will be REAL: real questions, real answers, and real talk for real life. More than a conversation, participants will leave with clear and practical solutions to some of life's most challenging... questions.
Also, a few chosen participants will sit in the "HOT SEAT" and receive direct and candid feedback on the issue/situation of their choice! More details to come.
Lotus Grill and Noodles
4041 Campbell Avenue, Arlington, VA 22206
*Special Note* Supporters are encouraged to purchase tickets now as the cost will be MORE at the door.
Give Love! Through this event we're raising funds for Paul Brunson's nephew's Pee-Wee youth football team Please donate so they can continue teaching and mentoring youth. Would you please spare $5 or $10 (or more) today? #MakeADifference
You will have a chance to donate while your register. If you are unable to attend but would still like to donate, please click Donate below.
Northern Virginia Urban League
Northern Virginia Urban League Guild
Northern Virginia Urban League Young Professionals Network
Northern Virginia Urban League is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization. 1315 Duke Street, Alexandria VA 22314